Community Organic Gardens of Sequim (COGS)

Fir St. Sign - photo by Pam Larsen
Garden Location:

West Fir St. - between 5th Ave. and 7th Ave.

The garden is open during daylight hours.

Community Organic Gardens of Sequim (COGS)

The mission of COGS is to provide hands-on opportunity for diverse peoples in our community to learn about organic gardening, to grow their own organic food, and to develop a commitment to sustainable food production at home and beyond.

Artwork by Elaine Caldwell
Sign InView Entries
Beans by K&K
Bob Caldwell, Water Manager by Sonja Younger
COGS Crew and Sign by Sonja Younger
Sunflowers at Fir St.
Pam Larsen Pic
Young COGS Gardener by Sonja Younger
The Onion Patch

Special Thanks to our photographers: 
Pam Larsen and Sonja Younger

created by Magdalena Bassett
Bob Caldwell, Water Manager - photo by Sonja Younger
Historic COGS Crew with Co-founder Pam Larsen - Fir St. Sign - photo by Sonja Younger
Young COGS Gardener - photo by Sonja Younger
It all starts with a dream....
Copyright 2010 - 2024, Community Organic Gardens of Sequim
COGS Co-founder Pam Larsen -- In the Beginning...
Please contact:
Liz at 